What is DDOS ?

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks represent one of the most serious threats to the availability of online services. These attacks are designed to overwhelm targeted servers with traffic, making them unavailable to users.

What is a DDOS attack ?

A DDoS attack is an attempt to render a server, online service, or network unavailable by saturating bandwidth or computing resources with a massive amount of traffic. Unlike traditional denial of service (DoS) attacks, which are launched from a single point of origin, DDoS attacks use a network of infected machines (botnets) to coordinate and amplify the attack, making it difficult to detect. more difficult.

How does a DDOS attack work ?

In a DDoS attack, cybercriminals often use malware to infect thousands or even millions of computers around the world, creating a network of “zombie” machines. These “zombie” machines, or botnets, are then used to simultaneously send traffic requests to the target server. The massive amount of traffic from multiple sources makes it extremely difficult to differentiate between original and malicious traffic, ultimately overwhelming the targeted server and making it unavailable to users.

What steps should you take in the event of a DDOS attack ?

To protect your network against DDoS attacks, several measures can be put in place. First of all, monitoring network traffic is essential. By using monitoring tools, you can detect unusual traffic patterns or sudden increases in traffic volume, which may indicate an attack. Next, implementing traffic filters allows you to block or limit traffic from suspicious or malicious sources. You may also consider using specialized anti-DDoS services offered by vendors. These services filter malicious traffic before it reaches your infrastructure, which can greatly reduce the impact of attacks. Finally, developing an incident management plan is crucial to knowing how to respond quickly in the event of a DDoS attack. This involves coordinating efforts between security teams and service providers to minimize disruptions and restore service availability quickly.

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See the article on phishing